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guilds [2024/10/16 20:20] jtacpguilds [2025/01/30 21:00] (current) jtacp
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 =====Guilds===== =====Guilds=====
-There are **five** guilds you may choose to join on ReforgeMC! You may only pledge allegiance to just one at first, but can join a second upon reaching level 50 in your original guild. +There are **five** guilds you may choose to partake in on ReforgeMC! While you are automatically a member of all five, it is up to you how you divide your time to level up in each of them.
-  * You can change your guild at any time, but be warned __you will lose level progress upon leaving__! +
-  * There will be a 48-hour cooldown between leaving a guild and re-joining it.+
-Below is information on each guild, and any special perks it has access to!+Each guild has 5 tiers. Every 25 levels, your guild tier will increase, and you will gain access to new perks, maxing out at level 100 (tier V)!
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 **<fc: gold>Spelunker</fc>** **<fc: gold>Spelunker</fc>**
-    Access to **The Sulfur Burrow** (Spelunker Quest Hub /menu) +I -> II
-    50% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners** +  10% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners** 
-    Access to **[[custom_content|Shard Deconstruction]]** (level 20) +  * Permanent **Haste I**  
-Buffs+II -> III: 
-      * **permanent haste I** +  25% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners** 
-      * **permanent night vision I** (level 25) +  Permanent **Haste II** 
-      * **permanent speed I** (level 50) +III -> IV
-      * **permanent haste II** (level 75)+  50% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners** 
 +  Permanent **Fire Resistance I** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  80% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners** 
 +  Permanent **Haste III**
 **<fc: darkseagreen>Druid</fc>** **<fc: darkseagreen>Druid</fc>**
-    Access to **The Lush Fountain** (Druid Quest Hub /menu) +I -> II
-    * Rare chance for **Spawn Egg drops from creatures*+  Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
-    Access to **high-level [[custom_content|manual enchanting]]** +  Permanent **Regeneration I**  
-Buffs+II -> III: 
-      * **permanent regeneration I*+  Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
-      * **permanent health boost I** (level 25) +  Permanent **Regeneration II** 
-      **permanent saturation I** (level 50) +III -> IV
-      * **permanent health boost II** (level 75)+  Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
 +  Permanent **Saturation I** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
 +  Permanent **Regeneration III**
 **<fc: tomato>Mercenary</fc>** **<fc: tomato>Mercenary</fc>**
-Perks+I -> II
-    Access to **The Gilded Coast** (Mercenary Quest Hub /menu) +  Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
-    * Rare chance for **Core drops from monsters*+  Permanent **Night Vision I**  
-    Access to **ReforgeMC Dungeons** +II -> III: 
-Buffs+  Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
-      * **permanent night vision I*+  Permanent **Strength I** 
-      * **permanent strength I** (level 25) +III -> IV
-      **permanent speed I** (level 50) +  Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
-      * **permanent strength II** (level 75)+  Permanent **Strength II** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
 +  Permanent **Strength III**
 **<fc: lightblue>Warlock</fc>** **<fc: lightblue>Warlock</fc>**
-Perks+I -> II
-    Access to **The Enchanted Forge** (Warlock Quest Hub /menu) +  Unlock recipe templates for Rare tools 
-    * Access to ** [[custom_content|Custom Tool crafting]]** (level 20) +  Permanent **Resistance I**  
-    Access to **Custom Tool upgrading** (level 40) +II -> III: 
-Buffs+  Unlock recipe templates for Epic tools 
-      * **permanent weakness II** +  Upgrade Rare tools to Epic 
-      * **permanent resistance III** (level 25) +  Permanent **Health Boost I** 
-      * **permanent regeneration II** (level 50) +III -> IV
-      * **permanent resistance V** (level 75)+  Unlock recipe templates for Legendary tools 
 +  Upgrade Epic tools to Legendary 
 +  Permanent **Resistance II** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  Unlock recipe templates for Mythical tools 
 +  Upgrade Legendary tools to Mythical 
 +  Permanent **Health Boost II**
 **<fc: mediumorchid>Occultist</fc>** **<fc: mediumorchid>Occultist</fc>**
-Perks+I -> II
-    Access to **The Great Convergence** (Occultist Quest Hub /menu) +  Begin learning to transmute materials 
-    * Access to **Custom Potion brewing*+  Permanent **Jump Boost I**  
-    Access to **Transmutation** (level 20) +II -> III: 
-Buffs+  Increased transmutation success rate 
-      * **permanent speed I** +  Permanent **Speed I** 
-      * **permanent jump boost I** (level 25) +III -> IV
-      * **permanent speed II*(level 50) +  Learn to transmute more new materials 
-      * **permanent jump boost II** (level 75)+  Increased transmutation success rate 
 +  Permanent **Hero of the Village I** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  Increased transmutation success rate 
 +  Permanent **Speed II** 
guilds.1729110021.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/16 20:20 by jtacp

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