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guilds [2024/10/16 20:21] jtacpguilds [2025/01/30 21:00] (current) jtacp
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-=====Ranking Up===== +=====Guilds===== 
-ReforgeMC has an 8-rank system. Upon ranking up, you gain access to new perks, more land protections, more /homes, larger /backpackand more!+There are **five** guilds you may choose to partake in on ReforgeMC! While you are automatically member of all fiveit is up to you how you divide your time to level up in each of them.
-In addition to money and Guild level requirements, you must create structures to rankupLearn more here: **[[structure_definitions|Structure Definitions]]**+Each guild has 5 tiers. Every 25 levelsyour guild tier will increase, and you will gain access to new perks, maxing out at level 100 (tier V)!
-=====Requirements and Perks===== 
-Below is a list of each ReforgeMC rank, its perks, and the requirements to rankup! 
-**<fc: silver>Nomad</fc>** 
-  * Requirements: none 
-  * perks:  
-    * **[[getting_started|Getting Started]]** 
-  * land protections: 1 protection 
-  * maximum /homes: 1 home 
-**<fc: grey>Pioneer</fc>** +=====Guild Information=====
-  * **Requirements: lvl 10 job, D5000, one lvl 1 [[structure_definitions|structure]]** +
-  * perks:  +
-    * **+9 backpack slots** +
-  * land protections: 2 protections  +
-  * maximum /homes: 2 home+
-**<fc: aquamarine>Acolyte</fc>** 
-  * **Requirements: lvl 20 job, D15000, one //new// lvl 1 [[structure_definitions|structure]]** 
-  * perks:  
-    * **+9 backpack slots** 
-    * **create chestshops** 
-  * land protections: 3 protections 
-  * maximum /homes: 2 homes 
-**<fc: aqua>Artisan</fc>** +**<fc: gold>Spelunker</fc>**
-  * **Requirements: lvl 30 job, D50000, one lvl 2 [[structure_definitions|structure]]** +
-  * perks:  +
-    * **+9 backpack slots** +
-    * **keep backpack on death** +
-  * land protections: 4 protections +
-  * maximum /homes: 3 homes+
-**<fc: teal>Virtuoso</fc>** 
-  * **Requirements: one lvl 50 job, D100000, one //new// lvl 2 [[structure_definitions|structure]], small /warp mall plot** 
-  * perks:  
-    * **+9 backpack slots** 
-    * **/back** - teleport back to previous location 
-  * land protections: 5 protections 
-  * maximum /homes: 3 homes 
 +I -> II:
 +  * 10% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners**
 +  * Permanent **Haste I** 
 +II -> III:
 +  * 25% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners**
 +  * Permanent **Haste II**
 +III -> IV:
 +  * 50% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners**
 +  * Permanent **Fire Resistance I**
 +IV -> V:
 +  * 80% chance to **Silk Touch Spawners**
 +  * Permanent **Haste III**
-**<fc: mediumpurple>Master</fc>** +**<fc: darkseagreen>Druid</fc>**
-  * **Requirements: one lvl 65 job, one lvl 25 job, D250000, one lvl 3 [[structure_definitions|structure]], small /warp mall plot** +
-    * perks:  +
-      * **+9 backpack slots, unlimited access to /setwarp** +
-      * **/jump** - teleport to location being looked at, or left-click with compass to automatically /jump +
-    * land protections: 6 protections +
-    * maximum /homes: 5 homes+
-**<fc: midnightblue>Elite</fc>** 
-  * **Requirements: one lvl 80 job, one lvl 50 job, D500000, one //new// lvl 3 [[structure_definitions|structure]], large /warp mall plot** 
-    * perks:  
-      * **/fly** - enables flight 
-      * **/heal** - heals user on cooldown 
-    * land protections: 7 protections 
-    * maximum /homes: 5 homes 
-**<fc: mediumvioletred>Sovereign</fc>** +I -> II: 
-  * **Requirements: one lvl 100 job, one lvl 75 job, D1000000, one lvl 4 [[structure_definitions|structure]], large /warp mall plot** +  Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
-    perks:  +  Permanent **Regeneration I**  
-      * **coming soon!** +II -> III: 
-    land protections10 protections +  * Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
-    maximum /homes: 7 homes+  Permanent **Regeneration II** 
 +III -> IV
 +  Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
 +  Permanent **Saturation I** 
 +IV -> V
 +  * Increased Paralyzed Forest enchantment pool 
 +  * Permanent **Regeneration III**
-=====Special Prefixes and Titles===== +**<fc: tomato>Mercenary</fc>**
-You may come across players with certain symbols before their ranks, or even special ranks overall! Below is a list of what these different handles mean.+
-**Staff Prefixes** +I -> II: 
-    * **[<fc: gold>A</fc>] - administrator** +  Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
-    * **[<fc: #f0e68c >H</fc>helper**+  Permanent **Night Vision I**  
 +II -> III: 
 +  Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
 +  Permanent **Strength I** 
 +III -> IV: 
 +  Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
 +  Permanent **Strength II** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  * Unlock deeper floors of the Paralyzed Dungeon 
 +  * Permanent **Strength III**
-**Supporter Prefixes** +**<fc: lightblue>Warlock</fc>** 
-    * **[<fc: aquamarine>+</fc>base supporter prefix** + 
-    * **[<fc: teal>+</fc>event supporter prefix**+-> II: 
 +  Unlock recipe templates for Rare tools 
 +  Permanent **Resistance I**  
 +II -> III: 
 +  Unlock recipe templates for Epic tools 
 +  * Upgrade Rare tools to Epic 
 +  * Permanent **Health Boost I** 
 +III -> IV: 
 +  * Unlock recipe templates for Legendary tools 
 +  * Upgrade Epic tools to Legendary 
 +  * Permanent **Resistance II** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  * Unlock recipe templates for Mythical tools 
 +  * Upgrade Legendary tools to Mythical 
 +  * Permanent **Health Boost II** 
 +**<fc: mediumorchid>Occultist</fc>** 
 +-> II: 
 +  * Begin learning to transmute materials 
 +  * Permanent **Jump Boost I**  
 +II -> III: 
 +  * Increased transmutation success rate 
 +  * Permanent **Speed I** 
 +III -> IV: 
 +  * Learn to transmute more new materials 
 +  * Increased transmutation success rate 
 +  * Permanent **Hero of the Village I** 
 +IV -> V: 
 +  * Increased transmutation success rate 
 +  * Permanent **Speed II**
-**Special Titles** - toggleable via /menu 
-    * **[<fc #f0e68c>Architect</fc>]** - available to players who win architect of the month 
-    * **[<fc: black>Haunted</fc>]** - available for purchase during halloween 2024 event 
guilds.1729110104.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/16 20:21 by jtacp

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