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There are five guilds you may choose to join on ReforgeMC! You may only pledge allegiance to just one at first, but can join a second upon reaching level 50 in your original guild.

  • You can change your guild at any time, but be warned you will lose level progress upon leaving!
  • There will be a 48-hour cooldown between leaving a guild and re-joining it.

Below is information on each guild, and any special perks it has access to!

Guild Information



  • Access to The Sulfur Burrow (Spelunker Quest Hub - /menu)
  • 50% chance to Silk Touch Spawners
  • Access to Shard Deconstruction (level 20)


  • permanent haste I
  • permanent night vision I (level 25)
  • permanent speed I (level 50)
  • permanent haste II (level 75)



  • Access to The Lush Fountain (Druid Quest Hub - /menu)
  • Rare chance for Spawn Egg drops from creatures
  • Access to high-level manual enchanting


  • permanent regeneration I
  • permanent health boost I (level 25)
  • permanent saturation I (level 50)
  • permanent health boost II (level 75)



  • Access to The Gilded Coast (Mercenary Quest Hub - /menu)
  • Rare chance for Core drops from monsters
  • Access to ReforgeMC Dungeons


  • permanent night vision I
  • permanent strength I (level 25)
  • permanent speed I (level 50)
  • permanent strength II (level 75)



  • Access to The Enchanted Forge (Warlock Quest Hub - /menu)
  • Access to Custom Tool crafting (level 25)
  • Access to Custom Tool upgrading (level 50)


  • permanent weakness II
  • permanent resistance III (level 25)
  • permanent regeneration II (level 50)
  • permanent resistance V (level 75)



  • Access to The Great Convergence (Occultist Quest Hub - /menu)
  • Access to Custom Potion brewing
  • Access to Transmutation (level 20)


  • permanent speed I
  • permanent jump boost I (level 25)
  • permanent speed II (level 50)
  • permanent jump boost II (level 75)

Custom Guild Perks

Spelunkers can find Colored Shards underground! Punch the Iron Block at The Sulfur Burrow with a shard in-hand to find all sorts of custom items and gear, including exclusive Colored Shard Sets! There are 4 colors of shards. They all have their own loot tables, and each has a chance to drop a Prismatic Shard!

Druids have exclusive access to manually increase enchantment levels at The Lush Fountain, where they can manually apply several enchantments to items at a premium experience cost. These enchantments can even exceed vanilla enchantment levels!

Mercenaries can find Cores in the wild as a drop from monsters! Enemies in ReforgeMC Dungeons have an increased chance of dropping Cores. Mercenaries can turn in Cores to Trough E. at The Gilded Coast to acquire trophies, which give permanent perks to the redeemer!

Warlocks are able to forge custom tools and armor at The Enchanted Forge! Warlocks can also increase the power of custom tools by upgrading their rarity level. Simply surround the custom tool with the appropriate core and essence to upgrade it. Below is a list of custom tools, ordered by the level when Warlocks are able to forge them. (labeled in parenthesis)

Occultists can transmute items into different items for guild experience at The Great Convergence! There’s even a small chance to find custom items through transmutation! Right-click transmutable items into a cauldron to attempt transmutation. Transmutation is not guaranteed to work!

guilds.1729115816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/16 21:56 by jtacp

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