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Structure Definitions

You may have noticed or even read that there is a ReforgeMC Wiki page on ranking up. Before reading through the perks and requirements of increasing your rank, it is important to understand what those requirements mean! One such requirement is to created tiered structures. What does this mean, though? Read this page to find out!

What is a Structure?

As the name suggests, structures are simply player-made buildings necessary for ranking up! There are 4 levels of structures, based on size and level of detail. Size requirements are measured in chunks, which are 16*16 blocks across! (structures do *not* have to align with chunk borders)

Structures must be built solely by the individual player unless otherwise stated below! Please also note that structures must also be claimed in order to count towards ranking up!

Structure Tiers

  • Level 1 Structure - lightly-detailed, at least 1 chunk in size.
  • Level 2 Structure - moderately-detailed, at least 5 chunks in size.
  • Level 3 Structure - heavily-detailed, at least 20 chunks in size.
  • Level 4 Structure - immensely-detailed, at least 50 chunks in size.
    • Only Level 4+ Structures may receive minimal help from other builders.

Curious on what a “heavily-detailed” structure actually looks like? Take a look at the Structure Gallery below! These are pictures of real player’s structures that have been used and accepted for ranking up in the past. Don’t be afraid to contact an Admin before submitting your rankup application to see if your structure fits all requirements!

structure_definitions.1729027244.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/15 21:20 by

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